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New blog each week to help parents teach their kids about money.
7 min read
Money MOT: Before you transfer money to your kids
A Money MOT is to help parents who are worried that their kids will waste the savings they receive when they turn 18.
4 min read
Leading your kids down the right financial path
Let's not leave our kids' financial futures to chance. Getting them to see their future will help them make better financial decisions.
6 min read
Saving for 'Mini-Retirements'
Motivating our kids to save for retirement in 50+ years is hard work. 'Mini-retirements' could help them start to save earlier.
3 min read
I'm living my 'Dream Life' - Your kids can too!
I'm living my dream life as I followed the 3 simple rules of wealth. Teach your kids these rules so they can live their dream life too!
5 min read
3 actions to start your kids on their journey to becoming wealthy this Christmas!
Help your kids start their journey to becoming wealthy this Christmas. Three actions parents need to take.
5 min read
How to teach your kids about pensions
Making sure my kids (actually, all kids!) grow up taking advantage of the best financial deal they will ever be offered. A company pension!
5 min read
Rich Kids vs Wealthy Kids
There is a big difference between being RICH and being WEALTHY. This blog helps you teach your kids about being WEALTHY.
4 min read
How to teach your kids about: The Wealth Formula
Without guidance, your kids will learn the FAKE wealth formula. Make sure they learn the REAL wealth formula using Elsa and Yoda!
7 min read
How to manage the fear that your kids will waste their savings?
One of the fears parents have is that their kids waste the money they are saving for them. Learn how to avoid this here.
5 min read
'Saving money by spending less' Don't miss the critical step!
Help your kids realize that a 'discount' doesn't make your wealthier unless you save the money for later.
7 min read
How to teach your kids about 'saving money to spend later'
One of the most powerful skills you can teach your kids is to delay their gratification. Start by getting them to save money to spend later.
7 min read
How to teach your kids about: Saving money to make money
Teach your kids that one of the best uses of money is to make the money grow by saving or investing it.
4 min read
Are Premium Bonds a good investment for my kids?
Premium Bonds offer an alternative way of saving for kids. Are they a good idea? Find out in this blog.
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