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Boris and Gail's
Fortune club
Click on a project below to play the games and download  the action sheets.
Anchor 1
Badges Earned
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charity badge_edited.png
Business badge_edited_edited.png
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invest badge_edited_edited.png
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charity badge_edited_edited.png
Wealth badge_edited_edited.png



Go Shopping



Let's make sure we all grow up wealthy by looking after our money, like Grandpa Jack. 

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Wealth badge_edited_edited.png

Rich vs. Wealthy


Earning Money


Grandpa's Exact Coins

To grow a Fortune Forest, we need earn some seeds. One way to earn seeds is to start your own business.

Business badge_edited.png


Grandpa's Missing Words

We can use our time and money to help others. Remember, helping others also helps us.

Charity badge_edited.png


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Go Shopping

Once we have earned some seeds, we need to make sure we form the habit of saving some.


Save Your Seeds

Save badge_edited.png

Grow Your Seeds


Uncover the picture quiz

Let's make sure we help our seeds grow by learning more about investing our money.

Invest badge_edited.png


Pucha-Pucha Click

Trees don't grow over night, neither does money. We need to practice being patient.

Patience badge_edited.png

Let Trees Grow

 Earn 2 badges to unlock 


 Earn 1 badge to unlock 

Save badge_edited_edited.png

 Earn 3 badges to unlock 

Patience badge_edited_edited.png

 Earn 4 badges to unlock 

Charity badge_edited_edited.png
Fortune Club Award_edited.jpg
The Fortune Club Award
Hey, Boris here!

Do you remember that Richie Raccoon found gold on the island of Pucha-Pucha? He was
Rich but as he didn't look after his money he didn't become wealthy.

Grandpa Jack didn't have much money to start with. He learned to looked after the little money he did have and over time became very 

Our goal at the Fortune Club is to look after our money so we become Wealthy. We think of money like seeds and know that if we plant those seeds we'll grow our own
Fortune Forest.

Before you start growing your forest, what will you do once you have your own Fortune Forest? Picture yours in the Action Sheets below. 

We've also included a fun
Banknote Game to help you learn about different types of money from around the world. 

Rich vs. Wealthy
Fortune Forest Action Sheets
Open and then print your action sheets to start planning what your future will look like when your Fortune Forest has grown. 

Mission - image 2.png
Mission - image 1.png
Earn Your Wealth Badge
To earn the Wealth Badge, you need to:
  1. Complete the Banknote Game
  2. Confirm you completed Fortune Forest Action Sheets

Select file

Wealth badge_edited_edited.png
Well Done - You earned your Wealth Badge
You did this by:
  1. Uploading your completed Fortune Forest Action Sheets
  2. Completing the Banknote Game
Wealth badge_edited.png
The Banknote Game
chapter 6 - colour_edited.png
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chapter 7 - colour_edited.png
Chapter 12 - colour_edited.png
Chapter 10 - colour_edited.png
Chapter 11 - colour_edited.png
Chapter 13 - colour_edited.png
Chapter 14 - colour_edited.png
Select the correct country from dropdown and press 'Check' at the end to see how you did.
Chapter 1 - colour and shadow_edited.png
chapter 3 - colour_edited.png
chapter 2 - colour_edited.png
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home theatre.jpeg
Go Shopping Game!
You start with 100 coins.

Decide which of the two items you will spend your money on.

Any money that has been not spent will grow over time.

See if you can become wealthy.


  You don't have enough   money left for this item 

  You don't have enough   money left for this item 


The money you saved has doubled!!

TIP: Spend less at the start. Soon your money will grow and you'll be able to buy whatever you want and still have money left over.
You are now wealthy as you looked after your money at the start. You can now buy whatever you want and your money will still grow.
Choose your:
Grandpa's Exact Money Game
1 coin_edited.png
10 coin_edited.png
20 coin_edited.png
Grandpa says 'I have 3 coins in my hand which add up to £0.12. What coins do I have?'
5 coin_edited.png
Level 1 of 10
Show total
Level 1 of 10
Grandpa says 'I have 3 coins in my hand which add up to £0.12. What coins do I have?'
Hi Gail here!

To grow your
Fortune Forest, you need some seeds (money).

You might be given some money for your birthday or pocket money. You can also earn money. 

One way to earn money is to start a little business and become an

I started my own business by selling
Petal Pictures to my friends. 

See if you can come up with your own business using my
Kid Entrepreneur Action Sheets

You also need to play 
Grandpa's Exact Coin Game.  This game will help you see how small amounts of money can soon add up to a lot. This game also helps you quickly count the money you are being given in coins when you start your new business.

Earning Money
Earn Your Kid Entrepreneur Badge
To earn the Kid Entrepreneur Badge, you need to:​​
  1. Complete Grandpa's Exact Coin game
  2. Confirm you completed Kid Entrepreneur Action Sheets

Select file

Well Done - You earned your Kid Entrepreneur Badge
You did this by:
  1. Uploading your completed Kid Entrepreneur Action Sheets
  2. Completing Grandpa's Exact Coin game
Business badge_edited.png

Hi Gail again!

To grow a forest we need to follow Grandpa's first rule of wealth:

"Keep one out of every ten seeds you receive"

Remember Richie Raccoon found this rule hard to follow as everyone kept convincing him to spend his seeds (chapter 6). We need to make sure we save some money before we go to the shops.

Start forming the habit of saving money by tracking how much you save each time you get some money using Boris' 
Money Tracker Action Sheets.

We've also included a fun
Go Shopping Game to see how spending sensibly can help us become wealthy.

Saving Money
Money Tracker Action Sheet
Open and then print your action sheet to start forming the habit of keeping at least one out of every ten seeds you receive. 

Money tracker - image.png
Kid Entrepreneur Action Sheets
Open and then print your action sheets to create your own business and start to earn money. 

Business planner - image 3.png
Business planner - image 2.png
Business planner - image 1.png
Earn Your Save Badge
To earn the Save Badge, you need to:
  1. Become wealthy in the 'Go Shopping' game
  2. Confirm you completed Money Tracker Action Sheets

Select file

Save badge_edited_edited.png
Well Done - You earned your Save Badge
You did this by:
  1. Becoming wealthy in the 'Go Shopping' game
  2. Uploading your Money Tracker Action Sheets
Save badge_edited.png
Hi, Boris here!

Until I met Gail, I didn't know anything about investing to help grow my seeds (money) into a forest. 

See how much you remember about investing from Grandpa's Burger Shack story (chapter 7) by completing Grandpa's '
Investment Quiz'.

Hopefully your parents will help you set up an investment account for you. If they need help, get them to click on this link

See how investing can help grow your money using the Investing Action Sheet.

Investing Money - Grow Your Seeds
Kid Investor Action Sheet
Open and then print your action sheet to see how money can grow by investing it. 

Investing - image.png
Kid Investor Quiz
Select a 'Question' box and answer the question to reveal the picture ...
correct out of 
Select a 'Question' box and answer the question to reveal the picture ...
Earn Your Kid Investor Badge
To earn the Kid Investor Badge, you need to:
  1. Answer 7 correct questions in the Kid Investor Quiz
  2. Confirm you completed  the Kid Investor Action Sheet

Select file

Well Done - You earned your Kid Investor Badge
You did this by:
  1. Getting at least 7 correct answers on the Kid Investor Quiz
  2. Uploading your completed Kid Investor Action Sheet
Invest badge_edited.png
Hi Gail again!

To grow a forest we need to follow Grandpa's third rule of wealth:
"Let Your Trees Grow"

You need to practice being patient. One way is to save money for something you want to buy. This could be a toy, a bike or some clothes. Use the  Patience Action Sheet to start saving for something to buy in the future.

If you are patient you will avoid using debt (borrowing money), scams (being tricked) and gambling (trying to get lucky) which will help you grow your Fortune Forest. Richie Raccoon lost his seeds as he borrowed from Mr. Credit Tree.  He also lost seeds gambling when he played the Pucha Pucha Game

Be Patient
Patience Action Sheet
Open and then print your action sheet to practice being patient with your money.
Spending planner - image.png
Pucha Pucha Click Game
0 out of 4 matched






Instructions: Press 'start' and then see how quickly you can click on the highlighted 'Pucha' buttons exactly 10 times before pressing 'stop'. See if you can complete the game in less than 10 seconds 
Fastest Time
Club Members:
Earn Your Patience Badge
To earn the Patience Badge, you need to:
  1. Complete the Pucha Pucha Click Game
  2. Confirm you completed the Patience Action Sheet

Select file

Patience badge_edited_edited.png
Well Done - You earned your Patience Badge
You did this by:
  1. Completing the Pucha Pucha Click Game
  2. Uploading your completed Patience Action Sheet
Patience badge_edited.png
Hello, I'm Grandpa Jack

I am very proud that you have earned so many badges. I am sure you will have your own Fortune Forest by the time you are an adult.

As you look after your money, remember to consider how you can help other people by giving your time or money to charity.

I love helping other people and donkeys. 

How are you going to help others? Write down in the Charity Action Sheet.

Play my Missing Word Game to see if you can remember my favourite sayings. 

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Missing Word Game
Select your word

1. To grow a tree, you don't need to be

,  you need to be

2. From a single 

,  you can grow a 


3. After a

will grow back stronger

4. Whilst

doesn't grow on trees, it does 


Can you find the missing words from Grandpa's sayings? Select and click 'check' to see how many your got correct.
Charity Action Sheet
Open and then print your action sheet to start planning how you can help people in need. 

Charity - image 2.png
Charity - image 1.png
Club Notice Board

New club T-Shirt now available 

Earn Your Wealth Badge
To earn the Wealth Badge, you need to:
  1. Complete the Missing Word Game
  2. Confirm you completed the Charity Action Sheets

Select file

Charity badge_edited_edited.png
Well Done - You earned your Wealth Badge
You did this by:
  1. Completing the Missing Word Game
  2. Uploading your completed Charity Action Sheets
Charity badge_edited.png